Ariana Grande is a pop singer who has released some super nice songs and performed very well. Her style is one-of-a-kind and often shows her wearing little to no clothing at all in photos. And, well, that's just how she communicates and relates to her fans.

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How Music and Fashion Help Her to Express herself

Ariana Grande and other artists in the music industry are expected to use their looks as a form of fashion, which is true. So, you know… basically dressing moderately more provocatively and/or taking scantily clad pictures. You know, as a musician sings with their voice and plays instruments Ariana Grande is using her style and body to express art.

Her Choice, Her Style

She also added that Ms Grande should not be blamed for how she chooses to dress and present herself. It arrives, with its celeb-carnage congas, and Madonna has to decide whether she can handle it or fit the mould of artistry. It's what she is called to do as a musician, and she does it incredibly well! Why should we not regard her similarly to how we do our friends, and respect that she does have control over what goes on her body.

Receiving corresponding experience and recognition#### Respect + Kindness

Ariana Grande may wear skimpy outfits and pose scantily clad in pictures, but that is no excuse to disrespect her as well. What we SHOULD be discussing, however, is her music and fashion in the same breath as a decent track or half-decent live show. However, it is not okay to be mean or make fun of her. Even singers, like Ariana Grande deserve to be a treated with kindness and are only doing their job.

Talking About Her Art

Regardless of the music or style Ariana Grande comes with, it's her art and expression that we place in front. We cannot connect with a song by talking about what the singer looks like, we talk about the lyrics and beat. And then perhaps we can start to appreciate her work more, and show that she is a true artist. Kind and Reflective thinking! Also, Ariana Grande has some great music that there is a lot to discuss!

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